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  • Your Amazing Brain: Where It All Begins

    Inside your head you carry a three pound wrinkly mass of tissue that is responsible for every single thing you have done or will ever do. It enables you to think, learn, create and feel emotions. It controls every body function from a blink of an eye to what your body temperature is. Scientists consider it the most complex thing that has ever been discovered in the entire universe.

    Your brain contains around 100 billion tiny cells called neurons which send small chemical and electrical signals racing between themselves on neuron highways at speeds up to 200 miles per hour. These highways are so busy that the brain consumes 20% of your body’s energy. Together your neurons generate enough electricity to power a small lightbulb. 

    I often think that it’s amazing we all function as well as we do when we consider the multitude of cells in our brain. The good news is that the brain is neuroplastic meaning that when you learn you are in fact making new highways  in the brain.This is what psychotherapy so effective.