Make an Appointment: (269) 459-7666 | [email protected]

  • My Services

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    Counseling for Anxiety

    Is anxiety taking over your life? Does it feel like you can’t control it no matter how hard you try? Have you already tried therapy but found it ineffective? If this sounds like you, I’m confident I can help. My practice offers the most effective forms of treatment, to get the relief from anxiety that you deserve. When it comes to treating anxiety disorders, research shows that therapy is usually the most effective option. That’s because anxiety therapy – sometimes in conjunction with  medications – treats more than just symptoms to the problem.

    Counseling for Trauma

    Most people will experience trauma in their lifetime whether it’s a car accident, abuse or neglect, the sudden death of a loved one, a violent criminal act, exposure to the violence of war,  a natural disaster or just growing up without nurturing caregivers. While many people can recover from trauma over time with the love and support of family and friends and bounce back with resiliency, others may discover effects of lasting trauma, which can cause a person to live with deep emotional pain, fear, confusion, and posttraumatic stress far after the event has passed. In these circumstances, the support, guidance, and assistance of a therapist is fundamental to healing from trauma.

    Counseling for Seniors

    They say old age is no time for sissies. No kidding. So much is changing you don’t know what might happen next. Even if you’re finding being older a time of opportunities, to travel, spend time with family, delve into hobbies, it is nonetheless a time of incredible and often unforeseen transition. One that can be a shock to the system: medical issues, loss of independence, dealing with more and more loss are the tip of the iceberg. A professional counselor, particularly one who is traveling the road of older age too, can help you reflect on your life and navigate the new roads in front of you.

    Counseling for LGBTQI Folks

    Stigma-free, affirming, therapy for LGBTQIA+ Individuals

    Do you live outside of the heteronormative-cisgender box? Have you been to other supposed “LGBTQ-friendly” counselors who had no idea what you were talking about? Could you use a safe space to process your feelings and assess your goals? Are you seeking transition and need a letter for Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)? Or maybe you’re seeking relationship counseling from someone who understands where you’re coming from. If you can relate to any of the above, then you’ve come to the right place. No judgments. No biases. Just a strong support system with open ears.

    Life Transitions

    All of our lives have been touched by a major events such as graduating from high school or college, a death, divorce, or layoffs at work. Are you having a hard time moving through and past the emotional turmoil? Do you feel completely stuck and like you need guidance getting back on track?

    There’s no denying that life often presents us with our fair share of challenges, often but not always in the form of sudden change. These life transitions, even the positive ones, can throw us into a tailspin and leave us feeling stressed, confused, and vulnerable. But with the right tools and mindset, you have the power to not only overcome any adversity but also transform into a more authentic and confident version of yourself.

    Therapy for Self-Esteem

    Do you suffer from anxiety or depression? Do you often feel awkward and self-conscious in social settings? Are you constantly comparing yourself to others and finding you never measure up?

    Self-esteem is a concept that speaks to how we feel about ourselves. When one has high self-esteem, they feel confident, centered, and worthy of love. People with low self-esteem often feel shame and self-doubt. They often feel critical of themselves and are unworthy of love or praise. Learning to love ourselves, to see ourselves with compassion, takes time but the payoff is priceless.

    Women’s Issues

    Have you lost much of the joy you once felt? Are you struggling in an abusive or toxic relationship? Do you have years of living with low self-worth resulting in a less-than-desirable life?

    Throughout the ages, women have been called “the fairer sex.” And yet, were you to ask women about their life experiences, many would admit their life events haven’t always seemed so fair. Individually and together women have to learn to empower ourselves.

    Reach out to me today!

    Please complete the form below to schedule an appointment.
    I will try my best to accommodate your request and will be in touch ASAP.

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